Welcome to the FIWARE Stream GE: Kurento! Here is what you need to do to start working with Kurento.

1. Install KMS and “Built-in modules*”

The installation guide explains different ways in which Kurento can be installed and how to install any built-in modules you would need.

2. Configure KMS

KMS is able to run as-is after a normal installation. However, there are several parameters that you might want to tune in the configuration files.

3. Install and configure Orion

You want to make a Smart Solution, so you need to manage the context so you would want to use Orion Context Broker. Check the Orion Context Broker Installation & Administration Guide.

4. Write an Application

Write an application that queries the Kurento API to make use of the capabilities offered by KMS. The easiest way of doing this is to build on one of the provided Kurento Clients. And integrate it with Orion Context Broker. In general, you can use any programming language to write your application, as long as it speaks the Kurento Protocol and it’s able to use the REST API of Orion. Have a look at the features offered by Kurento, and follow any of the multiple tutorials that explain how to build basic applications.

5. Ask for help

If you face any issue with Kurento itself or have difficulties configuring the plethora of mechanisms that form part of WebRTC, don’t hesitate to ask for help to the Kurento community of users.

6. Enjoy!
Kurento is a project that aims to bring the latest innovations closer to the people, and help connect them together. Make a great application with it, and let us know! We will be more than happy to find out about who is using Kurento and what is being built with it :-)

* built-in modules are extra modules developed by the Kurento team to enhance the basic capabilities of Kurento Media Server.