FIWARE Stream Oriented Generic Enabler - Open API Specification¶
The Stream Oriented API is a resource-oriented API accessed via WebSockets that uses JSON-RPC V2.0 based representations for information exchange. An RPC call is represented by sending a request message to a server. Each request message has the following members:
- jsonrpc: a string specifying the version of the JSON-RPC protocol. It must be exactly 2.0.
- id: an unique identifier established by the client that contains a string or number. The server must reply with the same value in the response message. This member is used to correlate the context between both messages.
- method: a string containing the name of the method to be invoked.
- params: a structured value that holds the parameter values to be used during the invocation of the method.
When an RPC call is made by a client, the server replies with a response object. In the case of a success, the response object contains the following members:
- jsonrpc: it must be exactly 2.0.
- id: it must match the value of the id member in the request object.
- result: structured value which contains the invocation result.
In the case of an error, the response object contains the following members:
jsonrpc: it must be exactly 2.0.
id: it must match the value of the id member in the request object.
error: object describing the error through the following members:
- code: integer number that indicates the error type that occurred
- message: string providing a short description of the error.
- data: primitive or structured value that contains additional information about the error. It may be omitted. The value of this member is defined by the server.
Therefore, the value of the method parameter in the request determines the type of request/response to be exchanged between client and server. The following section describes each pair of messages depending of the type of method (namely: Ping, Create, Invoke, Release, Subscribe, Unsubscribe, and OnEvent).
In order to warranty the WebSocket connectivity between the client and the Kurento Media Server, a keep-alive method is implemented. This method is based on a ping method sent by the client, which must be replied with a pong message from the server. If no response is obtained in a time interval, the client is aware that the connectivity with the media server has been lost.
A ping request contains the following parameters:
- method (required, string). Value: ping.
- params (required, object). Parameters for the invocation of the ping
message, containing these member:
- interval (required, number). Time out to receive the pong message from the server, in milliseconds. By default this value is 240000 (i.e. 40 seconds).
This is an example of ping:
- Body (application/json)
"id": 1,
"method": "ping",
"params": {
"interval": 240000
"jsonrpc": "2.0"
The response to a ping request must contain a result object with a value parameter with a fixed name: pong. The following snippet shows the pong response to the previous ping request:
- Body (application/json)
"id": 1,
"result": {
"value": "pong"
"jsonrpc": "2.0"
Create message requests the creation of an Media Pipelines and Media Elements in the Media Server. The parameter type specifies the type of the object to be created. The parameter params contains all the information needed to create the object. Each message needs different parameters to create the object.
Media Elements have to be contained in a previously created Media Pipeline. Therefore, before creating Media Elements, a Media Pipeline must exist. The response of the creation of a Media Pipeline contains a parameter called sessionId, which must be included in the next create requests for Media Elements.
A create request contains the following parameters:
method (required, string). Value: create.
params (required, object). Parameters for the invocation of the create message, containing these members:
type (required, string). Media pipeline or media element to be created. The allowed values are the following:
- MediaPipeline: Media Pipeline to be created.
- WebRtcEndpoint: This media element offers media streaming using WebRTC.
- RtpEndpoint: Media element that provides bidirectional content delivery capabilities with remote networked peers through RTP protocol. It contains paired sink and source MediaPad for audio and video.
- HttpPostEndpoint: This type of media element provides unidirectional communications. Its MediaSource are related to HTTP POST method. It contains sink MediaPad for audio and video, which provide access to an HTTP file upload function.
- PlayerEndpoint: It provides function to retrieve contents from seekable sources in reliable mode (does not discard media information) and inject them into KMS. It contains one MediaSource for each media type detected.
- RecorderEndpoint: Provides function to store contents in reliable mode (doesn’t discard data). It contains MediaSink pads for audio and video.
- FaceOverlayFilter: It detects faces in a video feed. The face is then overlaid with an image.
- ZBarFilter: This Filter detects QR and bar codes in a video feed. When a code is found, the filter raises a CodeFound.
- GStreamerFilter: This is a generic Filter interface, that creates GStreamer filters in the media server.
- Composite: A Hub that mixes the audio stream of its connected sources and constructs a grid with the video streams of its connected sources into its sink.
- Dispatcher: A Hub that allows routing between arbitrary port pairs.
- DispatcherOneToMany: A Hub that sends a given source to all the connected sinks.
constructorParams (required, object). Additional parameters. For example:
- mediaPipeline (optional, string): This parameter is only mandatory for Media Elements. In that case, the value of this parameter is the identifier of the media pipeline which is going to contain the Media Element to be created.
- uri (optional, string): This parameter is only required for Media Elements such as PlayerEndpoint or RecorderEndpoint. It is an URI used in the Media Element, i.e. the media to be played (for PlayerEndpoint) or the location of the recording (for RecorderEndpoint).
- properties (optional, object): Array of additional objects (key/value).
sessionId (optional, string). Session identifier. This parameter is not present in the first request (typically the media pipeline creation).
The following example shows a request message requesting the creation of an object of the type MediaPipeline:
- Body (application/json)
"id": 2,
"method": "create",
"params": {
"type": "MediaPipeline",
"constructorParams": {},
"properties": {}
"jsonrpc": "2.0"
The following example shows a request message requesting the creation of an object of the type WebRtcEndpoint within an existing Media Pipeline (identified by the parameter mediaPipeline). Notice that in this request, the sessionId is already present, while in the previous example it was not (since at that point was unknown for the client):
- Body (application/json)
"id": 3,
"method": "create",
"params": {
"type": "WebRtcEndpoint",
"constructorParams": {
"mediaPipeline": "6ba9067f-cdcf-4ea6-a6ee-d74519585acd_kurento.MediaPipeline"
"properties": {},
"sessionId": "bd4d6227-0463-4d52-b1c3-c71f0be68466"
"jsonrpc": "2.0"
The response message contains the identifier of the new object in the field value. As usual, the message id must match with the request message. The sessionId is also returned in each response. A create response contains the following parameters:
result (required, object). Result of the create invocation:
- value (required, number). Identifier of the created media element.
- sessionId (required, string). Session identifier.
The following examples shows the responses to the previous request messages
(respectively, the response to the MediaPipeline create message, and then the
response to the to WebRtcEndpoint create message). In the first example, the
parameter value
identifies the created Media Pipelines, and sessionId
is the identifier of the current session.
- Body (application/json)
"id": 2,
"result": {
"value": "6ba9067f-cdcf-4ea6-a6ee-d74519585acd_kurento.MediaPipeline",
"sessionId": "bd4d6227-0463-4d52-b1c3-c71f0be68466"
"jsonrpc": "2.0"
In the second response example, the parameter value
identifies the created
Media Element (a WebRtcEndpoint
in this case). Notice that this value also
identifies the Media Pipeline in which the Media Element is contained. The
parameter sessionId
is also contained in the response.
- Body (application/json)
"id": 3,
"result": {
"value": "6ba9067f-cdcf-4ea6-a6ee-d74519585acd_kurento.MediaPipeline/087b7777-aab5-4787-816f-f0de19e5b1d9_kurento.WebRtcEndpoint",
"sessionId": "bd4d6227-0463-4d52-b1c3-c71f0be68466"
"jsonrpc": "2.0"
Invoke message requests the invocation of an operation in the specified object. The parameter object indicates the identifier of the object in which the operation will be invoked. The parameter operation carries the name of the operation to be executed. Finally, the parameter operationParams contains the parameters needed to execute the operation.
An invoke request contains the following parameters:
method (required, string). Value is invoke.
params (required, object)
object (required, number). Identifier of the source media element.
operation (required, string). Operation invoked. Allowed Values:
- connect. Connect two media elements.
- play. Start the play of a media (PlayerEndpoint).
- record. Start the record of a media (RecorderEndpoint).
- setOverlayedImage. Set the image that is going to be overlaid on the detected faces in a media stream (FaceOverlayFilter).
- processOffer. Process the offer in the SDP negotiation (WebRtcEndpoint).
- gatherCandidates. Start the ICE candidates gathering to establish a WebRTC media session (WebRtcEndpoint).
- addIceCandidate. Add ICE candidate (WebRtcEndpoint).
operationParams (optional, object).
- sink (required, number). Identifier of the sink media element.
- offer (optional, string). SDP offer used in the WebRTC SDP negotiation (in WebRtcEndpoint).
sessionId (required, string). Session identifier.
The following example shows a request message requesting the invocation of the operation connect on a PlayerEndpoint connected to a WebRtcEndpoint:
- Body (application/json)
"id": 5,
"method": "invoke",
"params": {
"object": "6ba9067f-cdcf-4ea6-a6ee-d74519585acd_kurento.MediaPipeline/76dcb8d7-5655-445b-8cb7-cf5dc91643bc_kurento.PlayerEndpoint",
"operation": "connect",
"operationParams": {
"sink": "6ba9067f-cdcf-4ea6-a6ee-d74519585acd_kurento.MediaPipeline/087b7777-aab5-4787-816f-f0de19e5b1d9_kurento.WebRtcEndpoint"
"sessionId": "bd4d6227-0463-4d52-b1c3-c71f0be68466"
"jsonrpc": "2.0"
The response message contains the value returned while executing the operation invoked in the object or nothing if the operation doesn’t return any value.
An invoke response contains the following parameters:
result (required, object)
- sessionId (required, string). Session identifier.
- value (optional, object). Additional object which describes the result of the Invoke operation. For example, in a WebRtcEndpoint this field is the SDP response (WebRTC SDP negotiation).
The following example shows a typical response while invoking the operation connect:
- Body (application/json)
"id": 5,
"result": {
"sessionId": "bd4d6227-0463-4d52-b1c3-c71f0be68466"
"jsonrpc": "2.0"
Release message requests the release of the specified object. The parameter object indicates the id of the object to be released:
A release request contains the following parameters:
method (required, string). Value is release.
params (required, object).
- object (required, number). Identifier of the media element or pipeline to be released.
- sessionId (required, string). Session identifier.
- Body (application/json)
"id": 36,
"method": "release",
"params": {
"object": "6ba9067f-cdcf-4ea6-a6ee-d74519585acd_kurento.MediaPipeline",
"sessionId": "bd4d6227-0463-4d52-b1c3-c71f0be68466"
"jsonrpc": "2.0"
A release response contains the following parameters:
result (required, object)
- sessionId (required, string). Session identifier.
The response message only contains the sessionId. The following example shows the typical response of a release request:
- Body (application/json)
"id": 36,
"result": {
"sessionId": "bd4d6227-0463-4d52-b1c3-c71f0be68466"
"jsonrpc": "2.0"
Subscribe message requests the subscription to a certain kind of events in the specified object. The parameter object indicates the id of the object to subscribe for events. The parameter type specifies the type of the events. If a client is subscribed for a certain type of events in an object, each time an event is fired in this object, a request with method onEvent is sent from Kurento Media Server to the client. This kind of request is described few sections later.
A subscribe request contains the following parameters:
method (required, string). Value is subscribe.
params (required, object). Parameters for the invocation of the subscribe message, containing these members:
type (required, string). Media event to be subscribed. The allowed values are the following:
- CodeFoundEvent: raised by a ZBarFilter when a code is found in the data being streamed.
- ConnectionStateChanged: Indicates that the state of the connection has changed.
- ElementConnected: Indicates that an element has been connected to other.
- ElementDisconnected: Indicates that an element has been disconnected.
- EndOfStream: Event raised when the stream that the element sends out is finished.
- Error: An error related to the MediaObject has occurred.
- MediaSessionStarted: Event raised when a session starts. This event has no data.
- MediaSessionTerminated: Event raised when a session is terminated. This event has no data.
- MediaStateChanged: Indicates that the state of the media has changed.
- ObjectCreated: Indicates that an object has been created on the media server.
- ObjectDestroyed: Indicates that an object has been destroyed on the media server.
- OnIceCandidate: Notify of a new gathered local candidate.
- OnIceComponentStateChanged: Notify about the change of an ICE component state.
- OnIceGatheringDone: Notify that all candidates have been gathered.
object (required, string). Media element identifier in which the event is subscribed.
sessionId (required, string). Session identifier.
The following example shows a request message requesting the subscription of the event type EndOfStream on a PlayerEndpoint Media Element:
- Body (application/json)
"id": 11,
"method": "subscribe",
"params": {
"type": "EndOfStream",
"object": "6ba9067f-cdcf-4ea6-a6ee-d74519585acd_kurento.MediaPipeline/76dcb8d7-5655-445b-8cb7-cf5dc91643bc_kurento.PlayerEndpoint",
"sessionId": "bd4d6227-0463-4d52-b1c3-c71f0be68466"
"jsonrpc": "2.0"
The response message contains the subscription identifier. This value can be used later to remove this subscription.
A subscribe response contains the following parameters:
result (required, object). Result of the subscription invocation. This object contains the following members:
- value (required, number). Identifier of the media event.
- sessionId (required, string). Session identifier.
The following example shows the response of subscription request. The value attribute contains the subscription identifier:
- Body (application/json)
"id": 11,
"result": {
"value": "052061c1-0d87-4fbd-9cc9-66b57c3e1280",
"sessionId": "bd4d6227-0463-4d52-b1c3-c71f0be68466"
"jsonrpc": "2.0"
Unsubscribe message requests the cancellation of a previous event subscription. The parameter subscription contains the subscription id received from the server when the subscription was created.
An unsubscribe request contains the following parameters:
method (required, string). Value is unsubscribe.
params (required, object).
- object (required, string). Media element in which the subscription is placed.
- subscription (required, number). Subscription identifier.
- sessionId (required, string). Session identifier.
The following example shows a request message requesting the cancellation of the subscription 353be312-b7f1-4768-9117-5c2f5a087429:
- Body (application/json)
"id": 38,
"method": "unsubscribe",
"params": {
"subscription": "052061c1-0d87-4fbd-9cc9-66b57c3e1280",
"object": "6ba9067f-cdcf-4ea6-a6ee-d74519585acd_kurento.MediaPipeline/76dcb8d7-5655-445b-8cb7-cf5dc91643bc_kurento.PlayerEndpoint",
"sessionId": "bd4d6227-0463-4d52-b1c3-c71f0be68466"
"jsonrpc": "2.0"
The response message only contains the sessionId. The following example shows the typical response of an unsubscription request:
An unsubscribe response contains the following parameters:
result (required, object)
- sessionId (required, string). Session identifier.
For example:
- Body (application/json)
"id": 38,
"result": {
"sessionId": "bd4d6227-0463-4d52-b1c3-c71f0be68466"
"jsonrpc": "2.0"
When a client is subscribed to a type of events in an object, the server sends an onEvent request each time an event of that type is fired in the object. This is possible because the Stream Oriented open API is implemented with WebSockets and there is a full duplex channel between client and server.
An OnEvent request contains the following parameters:
method (required, string). Value is onEvent.
params (required, object).
value (required, object)
data (required, object)
- source (required, string). Source media element.
- tags (optional, string array). Metadata for the media element.
- timestamp (required, number). Media server time and date (in Unix time, i.e., number of seconds since 01/01/1970).
- type (required, string). Same type identifier described on subscribe message (i.e.: CodeFound, ConnectionStateChanged, ElementConnected, ElementDisconnected, EndOfStream, Error, MediaSessionStarted, MediaSessionTerminated, MediaStateChanged, ObjectCreated, ObjectDestroyed, OnIceCandidate, OnIceComponentStateChanged, OnIceGatheringDone)
object (required, object).Media element identifier.
type (required, string). Type identifier (same value than before)
The following example shows a notification sent for server to client to notify an event of type EndOfStream in a PlayerEndpoint object:
- Body (application/json)
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "onEvent",
"params": {
"value": {
"data": {
"source": "6ba9067f-cdcf-4ea6-a6ee-d74519585acd_kurento.MediaPipeline/76dcb8d7-5655-445b-8cb7-cf5dc91643bc_kurento.PlayerEndpoint",
"tags": [],
"timestamp": "1461589478",
"type": "EndOfStream"
"object": "6ba9067f-cdcf-4ea6-a6ee-d74519585acd_kurento.MediaPipeline/76dcb8d7-5655-445b-8cb7-cf5dc91643bc_kurento.PlayerEndpoint",
"type": "EndOfStream"
Notice that this message has no id field due to the fact that no response is required.
There is no response to the onEvent message.