
KMS has explicit support for two Long-Term Support (LTS) distributions of Ubuntu: Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty) and Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial). Only the 64-bits editions are supported.

For other OS and versions check Running Kurento from a Docker container


To guarantee the right working of the enabler RAM memory and HDD size should be at least:

  • 4 GB RAM
  • 16 GB HDD (this figure is not taking into account that multimedia streams could be stored in the same machine. If so, HDD size must be increased accordingly).



Currently, the main development environment for KMS is Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial), so if you are in doubt, this is the preferred Ubuntu distribution to choose. However, all features and bug fixes are still being backported and tested on Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty), so you can continue running this version if required.

  1. Define what version of Ubuntu is installed in your system. Open a terminal and copy only one of these commands:

    # KMS for Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty)
    # KMS for Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial)
  2. Add the Kurento repository to your system configuration. Run these two commands in the same terminal you used in the previous step:

    sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys 5AFA7A83
    sudo tee "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/kurento.list" >/dev/null <<EOF
    # Kurento Media Server - Release packages
    deb [arch=amd64] $DISTRO kms6
  3. Install KMS:

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install kurento-media-server

This will install the KMS release version that was specified in the previous commands.

The server includes service files which integrate with the Ubuntu init system, so you can use the following commands to start and stop it:

sudo service kurento-media-server start
sudo service kurento-media-server stop

To verify that KMS is up and running, use this command and look for the kurento-media-serverprocess:

ps -ef | grep kurento-media-server
> nobody  1270  1  0 08:52 ?  00:01:00  /usr/bin/kurento-media-server

Unless configured otherwise, KMS will open the port 8888 to receive requests and send responses by means of the Kurento Protocol. Use this command to verify that this port is listening for incoming packets:

sudo netstat -tupan | grep kurento

> tcp6  0  0 :::8888  :::*  LISTEN  1270/kurento-media-server

Built-in modules

Built-in modules are extra modules developed by the Kurento team to enhance the basic capabilities of Kurento Media Server. So far, there are four built-in modules, that are installed as follows:

  • kms-pointerdetector: Filter that detects pointers in video streams, based on color tracking.

    sudo apt-get install kms-pointerdetector
  • kms-chroma: Filter that takes a color range in the top layer and makes it transparent, revealing another image behind.

    sudo apt-get install kms-chroma
  • kms-crowddetector: Filter that detects people agglomeration in video streams.

    sudo apt-get install kms-crowddetector
  • kms-platedetector: Filter that detects vehicle plates in video streams.

    sudo apt-get install kms-platedetector

Running Kurento from a Docker container

Starting a Kurento media server instance is easy. Kurento media server exposes port 8888 for client access. So, assuming you want to map port 8888 in the instance to local port 8888, you can start kurento media server with:

# Xenial
$ docker run -d --name kms -p 8888:8888 kurento/kurento-media-server:xenial-latest
# Trusty
$ docker run -d --name kms -p 8888:8888 kurento/kurento-media-server:trusty-latest

To check that kurento media server is ready and listening, issue the following command (you need to have curl installed on your system):

$ curl -i -N -H "Connection: Upgrade" -H "Upgrade: websocket" -H "Host:" -H "Origin:"

You will get something like:

HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
Server: WebSocket++/0.7.0

Don’t worry about the second line (500 Internal Server Error). It’s ok, because we are not talking the protocol Kurento media server expects, we are just checking that the server is up and listening for connections.