Java Module - Plate Detector Filter

This web application consists on a WebRTC video communication in mirror (loopback) with a plate detector filter element.


This tutorial has been configured to use https. Follow the instructions to secure your application.

For the impatient: running this example

First of all, you should have available:

To launch the application, you need:

  1. To clone the GitHub project where this demo is hosted:

    git clone
  2. Install the kurento-fiware module:

    cd kurento-fiware-java/kurento-fiware
    mvn install
  3. Run the application

    cd ../kurento-tutorial-java/kurento-platedetector-fiware
    mvn -U clean spring-boot:run -Dkms.url=ws://localhost:8888/kurento

The web application starts on port 8443 in the localhost by default. Therefore, open the URL https://localhost:8443/ in a WebRTC compliant browser (Chrome, Firefox).


These instructions work only if both Kurento Media Server and Orion are up and running in the same machine as the tutorial.

Understanding this example

This application uses computer vision and augmented reality techniques to detect a plate in a WebRTC stream on optical character recognition (OCR).

The interface of the application (an HTML web page) is composed by a HTML5 video tag that is activated once the camera is registered in orion. The video camera stream (the local client-side stream) is sent to Kurento Media Server, which processes it and registers the events rised in Orion. To implement this, we need to create a Media Pipeline composed by the following Media Element s:

WebRTC with plateDetector filter Media Pipeline

WebRTC with plateDetector filter Media Pipeline

The complete source code of this demo can be found in GitHub.

This example is a modified version of the Plate Detector Module Tutorial. A screenshot of the running example is shown in the following picture:

Plate detector demo in action

Plate detector demo in action

The following snippet shows how the media pipeline is implemented in the Java server-side code of the demo. An important issue in this code is that a listener is added to the PlateDetectorFilter object (addPlateDetectedListener). This way, each time a plate is detected in the stream, a message is sent to the client side and the event is registered in Orion. As shown in the screenshot above, this event is printed in the console of the GUI.

 private void start(final WebSocketSession session, JsonObject jsonMessage) {
      try {
        // Media Logic (Media Pipeline and Elements)
        UserSession user = new UserSession();
        MediaPipeline pipeline = kurento.createMediaPipeline();
        WebRtcEndpoint webRtcEndpoint = new WebRtcEndpoint.Builder(pipeline).build();
        users.put(session.getId(), user);

        webRtcEndpoint.addIceCandidateFoundListener(new EventListener<IceCandidateFoundEvent>() {

              public void onEvent(IceCandidateFoundEvent event) {
                JsonObject response = new JsonObject();
                response.addProperty("id", "iceCandidate");
                response.add("candidate", JsonUtils.toJsonObject(event.getCandidate()));
                try {
                      synchronized (session) {
                        session.sendMessage(new TextMessage(response.toString()));
                } catch (IOException e) {

        PlateDetectorFilter plateDetectorFilter = new PlateDetectorFilter.Builder(pipeline).build();


        plateDetectorFilter.addPlateDetectedListener(new EventListener<PlateDetectedEvent>() {
              public void onEvent(PlateDetectedEvent event) {

                final OrionConnectorConfiguration orionConnectorConfiguration = new OrionConnectorConfiguration();

                final PlateDetectedEventPublisher plateDetectedEventPublisher = new PlateDetectedEventPublisher(

                DevicePlateDetectedEvent extendedEvent = new DevicePlateDetectedEvent(event, null);

                // TODO add the camera information (from {@link: CameraSession}

                JsonObject response = new JsonObject();
                response.addProperty("id", "plateDetected");
                response.addProperty("plate", event.getPlate());
                log.debug("plateDetectorFilter.onEvent({}) => {}", event.getPlate(), response.toString());
                try {
                      session.sendMessage(new TextMessage(response.toString()));
                } catch (OrionConnectorException e) {
                      log.warn("Could not publish event in ORION");
                      sendError(session, e.getMessage());
                } catch (Throwable t) {
                      log.warn("Thowable: {}", t.getLocalizedMessage());
                      sendError(session, t.getMessage());

        // SDP negotiation (offer and answer)
        String sdpOffer = jsonMessage.get("sdpOffer").getAsString();
        String sdpAnswer = webRtcEndpoint.processOffer(sdpOffer);

        // Sending response back to client
        JsonObject response = new JsonObject();
        response.addProperty("id", "startResponse");
        response.addProperty("sdpAnswer", sdpAnswer);

        synchronized (session) {
              session.sendMessage(new TextMessage(response.toString()));


      } catch (Throwable t) {
        sendError(session, t.getMessage());


This Java Spring application is implemented using Maven. The relevant part of the pom.xml is where Kurento dependencies are declared. As the following snippet shows, we need four dependencies: the Kurento Client Java dependency (kurento-client) and the JavaScript Kurento utility library (kurento-utils) for the client-side, the KMS platedetector module (platedetector) and the kurento-fiware module (kurento-fiware).